
Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Scrap A Magnetron

Before reading this you may also want to read How To Scrap A Microwave.

The Magnetron is a device that creates arbitrary microwave radiation from a voltage source. In the case of the microwave oven, it is used to heat our food!

When you pull ones of these magnetrons out of a microwave, you can sell it at motor price along with the transformer. These two work together in a microwave; the transformer steps up the voltage to the correct level for the magnetron to be effective.

A magnetron's efficiency is about 65%, meaning 65% of the electric power it uses is converted into EM radiation used to cook out food.

As you can see on the left, There is actually very solid components in a magnetron and no digital "electronics" in the modern sense. There are two large magnets in the magnetron, some aluminum fins that function as heat sinks, and a copper core with cavities. This copper core is often too difficult to cut out, so I recommend selling the whole thing at Copper Breakage or Motor price.

A quick warning: The pink/white output antenna ceramics may contain beryllium oxide. This can be very toxic, more so than lead, so dont smash this thing to pieces. This may be the reason a few yards do not accept microwaves all together.


  1. the magnets are very stong and useful .. worth digging out of the magnetron

  2. While the magnets are large, I don't think they are "very strong." They are probably .5 Telsa or so. If you want some strong magnets, check out the magnets inside of a Scrap Hard Drive.

    The hard drive magnets are neodymium magnets, where as the magnetron magnets are cheap and bulky ferrite magnets.

    That being said, I have a 3 giant stack of these things, probably over 150.

  3. The magnetron magnets are great magnets. Not as strong as neodymiums, but still useful for things like fridge magnets or screw holders because they're nice and big.
